3 Ways To Improve Your Relationship With Your Clients

You’ve spent countless hours shaking hands, networking, cold calling, and exhausting leads to land new clients.  Remember the joy you felt when you landed that client you worked so hard to get?  Now that the pursuit is over, have you forgotten about those precious clients?  Is your relationship strained?  Maybe you should reach out and let those clients know that you still care.  Or maybe you should send them a thank you card. Think of it this way: Your clients are kind of like girlfriends—every once in awhile, you need to tell them how great they are.  They (girlfriends and clients) love that stuff.  Analogies aside, here are 3 ways to help improve your relationship with your clients. Visit http://diffone.com/ to know more.

1.    Send Your Client a Thank You Card

Believe it or not, simply sending a handwritten thank you card can improve your client’s day and keep your relationship on an even keel.  We live in a society that is quickly moving away from all things analog; so sending a thank you card that contains your actual handwriting will make a lasting impression.  Make it short, silly, or serious.  Add a gift card or tickets to a concert or sporting event.  It really doesn’t matter.  Sending a thank you card is one of the simplest ways to show your clients that you appreciate their business.

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2.    Ask Good Questions

You’ve been working with a client for a long period of time and everything seems to be working just fine.  Subconsciously, you may be thinking, “If I don’t hear anything negative, then everything must be fine.”  We all know that this isn’t a great way to approach communication in any relationship, but we can easily slip into this mindset if we get too comfortable.  Try calling your client and asking them if you’re meeting their expectations.  Ask if you can do anything to better serve them.  Try this one on for size, “I’d love to know if you have any concerns with how you’re being treated as a client.”  You may not like the answers, but being a little uncomfortable isn’t all that bad.  It may end up helping you to become better at serving your clients.

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3.    Set Clear Boundaries

This may not be as obvious as the others, but it’s just as important.  Setting clear boundaries with your clients should be something you do at the beginning of your business relationship, but doing so can sometimes get lost in the shuffle.  Your client needs to know what you will and will not do for them. They also need to know when and how you will perform your duties.  By setting clear boundaries, you take the guesswork out of your relationship.  Clients don’t want to waste time wondering if you’re fulfilling your promises, they just want to get their money’s worth.  If you feel that you don’t have clear boundaries with some clients, and then set up a meeting to revisit your agreement and adjust boundaries as needed.

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Remember, your clients are your livelihood.  Without them, your business would not survive.  Do everything in your power to keep those clients happy!

Craig Johnson is the chief strategist and co-founder of Matchstic, a brand identity agency, founded in 2003 in Atlanta, GA. A native Atlantan, Craig graduated from Georgia State University and has worked on the business side of creative, starting with managing musicians and moving on to become business arm of Matchstic. His vision for the company was to create a place where smart creative’s could thrive and produce work that generates real change for business. A current member of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization, Craig was named to the Top 40 under 40 business leaders in Atlanta by the Atlanta Business Chronicle at the age of 31.

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