A Foodie’s Guide Through The Western Mediterranean: Italy, France & Spain

You’re sailing along the coast of Italy, France and Spain and while the scenery is unbelievably breath taking, you are a foodie at heart. What is the best place for a foodie like yourself? -The Western Mediterranean; a food lover’s dream with its rich variety of breads, pastas, fresh seafood and so much more.


While it’s well known that the Italian diet usually consists of bread, antipasto, beans, olive oil, meat, pasta, cheese and wine, many of these dishes along the coast of Italy contain an array of seafood. Coastal Italy uses the coast of the Mediterranean to its fullest.

Along the Amalfi coast it’s never hard to find frutti di mare (fruit of the sea). This dish is usually made with linguine and different fish such as mussels, prawns, clams and other shellfish.

The second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea is Sardinia. Sardinia is predominantly famous for its two spicy fish soups: Cassolain the north and Burridain the south. Any foodie would be ecstatic in Sardinia with the collection of seafood that the locals use in their cuisine such as lobster, anchovies, crab, clams, squid and fresh sardines.

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A local pasta specialty is called fregula, which are tiny pasta balls usually served with fish. Like many regions in Italy, Sardinia is also known for its cheese, but unlike France, Sardinia typically uses cheese as a seasoning crumbled on top of soups, stews and pasta dishes.


The south of France’s cuisine is bursting with Mediterranean influence, which is exhibited in their colours and flavours. While sailing along the coast of France you have the opportunity to try many French classic dishes such as Bouillabaisse, which typically consists three different types of fish. Don’t forget to mop up the broth with their country bread pain de champagne.

If you are a vegetarian, this might be the region that works best to your advantage compared to other regions in France. Ratatouille is a favourite from this region. Also, Pistouis a sauce that is made from basil, garlic and olive oil. It’s often used to add flavour to vegetable bean soups and stews.

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Head to Corsica for cuisine that is a mixture of French and Italian cooking. You will want to try the dishes that are specifically from Corsica such as, Sanglier. Sanglieris wild boar and might be considered the most famous dish. It is often served with pasta or polenta.


Chartering a yacht in Spain and sailing along the coast can be a gastronomic escapade. You can expect nothing less than the freshest fruits, meats and fish. Among these, jamón serrano, (cured ham, a Spanish favourite) and chorizo (spicy sausage). Enjoy different variations of paella as well.

While in Southern Spain you can anticipate ample seafood dishes, specifically in the Balearic Islands. You have the opportunity to indulge incaldereta de llagosta, which is a lobster stew cooked with tomatoes. You can also expect a lot of shellfish dishes. Depending on what fish the restaurant has fresh that day; you can eat pescaitofrito(fresh fried fish). Douse it with lemon and enjoy.

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Gazpacho is another Spanish dish that is a must. Gazpacho is a chilled tomato soup and can be served in many different variations. It’s usually made with fresh tomatoes, good quality olive oil, day old bread, vinegar and garlic. For a different type, try Salmorejo, this is a thicker soup with a chopped boiled egg and ham.

Sailing through the Western Mediterranean is an adventure in itself but taking in all the cuisine is a dream come true for a foodie. Made from fresh seafood, the dishes from Italy, France and Spain will delight all of your senses.

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