Link building is basically the technique of connecting other websites to an existing website to increase the overall ranking in Google. The aim of link building is basically to make sure that the name of that particular website comes in the first few listings in the search. This is known as SERP or Search Engine Results Page.
The most popular search engine on the World Wide Web is Google. So in order to rank high up in the SERP a company needs to be at the top of the search results. This means more traffic to your website and thus more business.
When a competitor ranks better on the search list than you, it is important to analyse the results and find out the cause.
The Los Angeles based company, ‘seoTuners’ is an internet marketing and creative designing company. It delivers seo services in Los Angeles and other parts of USA to small and medium sized business .The process begins with a review by an expert on the goals of the business and how to achieve those. One thing to remember is that it takes time for the results to improve depending on a correct analysis of the competitor’s website and resulting techniques that are employed to improve the ranking of the company.
A Competitor Website is Analysed Based on the Following Criteria:
- Usability: The competitor website may have a better user experience for example user friendly navigation, custom 404 pages etc.
- Lay out and structure of the Website is important as well since it affects the number of people actually spending time there.
- The technology used to create the competitor’s site needs to be analysed as it contributes to the total user experience.
- The consistency of keywords in a website and frequency of occurrence is very important as well.
- A highly organised site will have their XML sitemap in the robots.txt file. Look for it.
- Effective back linking and traffic analysis of the competitor website will help in deciphering the issue with one’s website.
- Informative and rich snippets with extra data appear ahead in search results.
- Content analysis between the two sites can shed more light.
- The keywords in the competitor’s site that make it stand out in the ranking.
- The visibility of the company on social media is a major factor contributing towards visibility in the results.
The SERP ranking can improve by following a few simple rules.
Take it Slow
Build links slowly over time with rich content than in bulk. Link building technique is as important as the content.
Be Social
Try to have a powerful profile on the social media and promote your site well.

Good Content
The content should be relevant and worthwhile.
Be Ethical
It is clever to spend money on creating good content for your website and email popular blogs. If successful you get a very legitimate and high ranking link.
Google It
Looking up Google for sites that have similar contents and emailing the site owners to see if they would consider linking to your website.
There is no alternative to good old experience when it comes to learning about effective seo tips and tricks. Perseverance is important if you want your business to rank highest in the SERP and for that you need to build it up in a creative way.