Home Try On Kits For Prescription Glasses

Buying prescription glasses online has often involved some kind of guesswork, because you can’t really try on anything. It makes it difficult to try before you buy as you can’t simply reach into a computer screen to select a pair of frames to try on. The appeal of online frame shopping has always been that it’s typically cheaper than more standard options. But, despite the expensive nature of purchasing frames in the store, you are afforded the ability to test out numerous pairs.

Even so, some online glasses companies are bucking the trend by offering a free home try on kit. It’s exactly what it sounds like—you can browse through a variety of frame choices online and choose a selection that seems good for you. Many services offer as many as 5 free frames that you can try, essentially providing you an in-store experience for an online price.

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What’s The Catch?

You might think that this sounds too good to be true. After all, frames that fit awkwardly or look weird are all part of the online prescription glasses shopping experience, right? You pay a cheaper price and if you end up with an inferior product, then you get what you pay for, in most cases. This is why a home try on kit is the best way to sample prescription frames online.

But, that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. Most of the kits offered by frame sellers are designed to be completely free of charge. They work off of a “try before you buy” policy that means you aren’t on the hook for paying anything until you want to.

Even shipping and return shipping are covered by the vendor. All you have to do is sign up to receive your free trial, try on the glasses, pick which one you like best, and send the kit back. You’ll receive your desired pair of glasses with your own prescription after the company receives the kit back.

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What if You Didn’t Like Any Frames?

If all of the frames in the kit weren’t to your specifications, then you may feel like you’ve just wasted your time. In reality, you’re under no obligation to buy any frame from the kit. So, even if you weren’t feeling good about any of the pairs, you can send them back and go on your way. You can also opt to get another free trial with 5 different frames to choose from. Because you don’t have to pay for anything, you’re really losing nothing by opting for a home try-on trial.

Home Try On Kits For Prescription Glasses

It should be noted that if you fail to return the kit, then the company will likely charge your credit card. But, again, return shipping is already paid for, meaning that there’s no reason to not send the kit back.

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If you like purchasing glasses online but don’t like the uncertainty involved, then a home try on kit is the best system for you to take advantage of. It’s the best way to avoid the optometrist and the often exorbitant costs of in-store glasses. It’s almost like you get to shop for glasses right from the comfort of your own home. It’s a great way to accommodate a busy lifestyle that may not have time to squeeze in a trip to the optometrist every couple of years.

Clarissa Carlson is an online marketing expert who writes about tips and tricks that consumers can use to find better deals from online retailers as well as brick and mortar stores.

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