How To Make Cash By Selling Dvds Online

How many DVDs do you have lying around your home, doing nothing more than attracting dust?

The availability of modern technology means that many people now choose to watch films via subscription packages or by streaming them online.

DVDs may often be bought as a present, and are still a very popular market. But in reality, once you’ve seen the film once or twice, there’s not really any reason to keep it hanging around.

There’s a very lucrative online buying resource ready and waiting to offer you cash for selling your DVDs and you could earn yourself a pretty penny for very little effort.

Keep on reading if you want to learn more about how to make cash by selling your DVDs online.

How could I earn some cash?

Up until very recently the only way to earn money by selling DVDs online was either to use auction sites such as EBay or else try local pages where nearly-new goods are bought and sold.

These can prove to be a great way to sell items, but DVDs often don’t sell as well as other products. In addition, there can be a lot of effort involved in creating the adverts, responding to buyers and taking photographs.

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And even worse, after going to all that effort to sell your items, you could find that you have no takers.

Sell some of your DVDs to earn cash
Sell some of your DVDs to earn cash

An alternative to going through this rigmarole is to use a DVD recycling site. These companies are looking to buy your DVDs from you and will offer a fair price in return. You may see higher prices on EBay or elsewhere online, but there’s such a huge amount of uncertainty about whether you will find a buyer, and of course the extra work around selling in these places that it’s just simply not worth the extra hassle for such a small amount more!

How do recycling sites work?

The basic concept of a DVD recycling site is very easy and promises to deliver fast payment in return for discs you no longer want.

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Each site will have its own price list of what it’s willing to pay for a DVD; these prices can vary so it’s a good idea to look round to find one that is the most competitive.

To get a price you just need to submit the bar code of the items you want to trade it, and you’ll get an instant quote. This is the amount you’ll receive in return for your DVD; there are no nasty hidden fees or deductions. The process is entirely transparent and you’ll get exactly what you’re quoted.

Once you’ve finished getting prices for all the DVDs you want to trade in, you’ll need to formally accept the quote online. There’s no haggling or negotiating over what you’re offered; you can either accept or decline. There’s absolutely no pressure to accept the quote for any of your DVDs so if you don’t like the figure, you can simply walk away from the deal.

If you choose to accept, all that’s left for you to do is to package up your DVDs and send them off. You may find there’s a minimum amount per transaction; normally around 10 DVDs is the smallest quantity per order.

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The company will tell you how to package the goods and how many boxes to use. This is particularly important if you are sending a lot of DVDs in one go.

Once they have received your DVDs, a cheque will be dispatched in full settlement which will normally reach you within a couple of days of receipt.


It’s never been easier to sell DVDs online and get a competitive price for such little effort. All you need to do is tap in the barcode and accept the offer before sending your package off using the free post option included. Rather than leaving your discs to claim space and gather dust, why not use them to make cash online in a way which is ridiculously easy and hassle-free?



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