Tablet Takeover: What’s Coming Up In 2015

Lost without your tablet? You’re far from alone. The tech-obsessed masses are clamoring to see what’s in store for 2015 on the tablet scene. The devices are bound to get faster, sleeker, more feature-rich, and cooler than ever. Here is a quick look at some of the most exciting new products and features that are likely to hit the market later this year.

A Size for Every Liking

Maybe you were stoked when the iPad Mini first came out because a full-sized iPad was just too much of a hassle to carry with you. On the other hand, maybe you jumped up and down when Samsung introduced its 12-inch Galaxy Pro. Whether you like them big or small, 2015 is bound to please.

At CES 2015, Dell showed off its new tech candy: a tablet that is less than a quarter-inch thick. It doesn’t sacrifice performance, either. It comes with three cameras — a standard 8-megapixel one and two more to accommodate Intel’s RealSense feature. The tablet has an 8.4-inch screen and a beautifully sharp display.

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Sure, small, and sleek is impressive, but what if you like ’em large? Attendees of CES 2015 also got to take a look at the Fuhu Nabi Big Tab XL. “Big Tab” is a name that understates the size of this gadget. It features a 65-inch screen with a UHD display. Indeed, a tablet might just usurp your TV.

Power Beyond the Norm

2015 will see more devices using Intel’s Core M processor. It is this power that makes ultra-slim devices possible thanks to its efficient design. Does it sacrifice power to achieve its tiny size? No. Its speed is comparable to that of an Intel Core i5-520UM processor, but the M comes with the added advantage of advancing the two-in-one tech market.

Indeed, thanks to the M processor, 2015 will see the release of the Asus Transformer Book T300 Chi, which is just 0.17 inches thick with a 12.5 inch screen. The machine is durable as well, featuring an impressive all-aluminum design.

Samsung Making a Splash

Samsung’s Galaxy Tab and Galaxy Note products are arguably some of the best tablets available on the market. While details are slim on the upcoming gizmos from the manufacturer, a recent leak reveals some tasty tidbits about new Samsung devices.

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Samsung may release four new tablets in 2015 that go a step beyond what their current line of Android tablets can do. Expect to see one small tablet and one larger tablet from Samsung, each coming in both a Wi-Fi and a cellular data model. There is no way to know what features the new tablets will boast, but expect them to carry Android 5.0 as their operating system.

Microsoft Going Mini — Maybe

While Windows mobile devices aren’t exactly flying off the shelves, professionals value the PC-like features of the Windows Surface, and fans of the device will smile when they check out the mini version of Surface. At the moment, the small Surface is little more than a rumor, but it could potentially boost the Microsoft presence on the tablet scene since it will likely be cheaper than its larger counterparts.

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Even if a mini Surface doesn’t hit the market, you may see other innovations from Microsoft. Indeed, Windows 10 could have its unveiling this year.

Android M

Google is making its way through the alphabet with its operating systems, and since Lollipop hit Nexus devices, speculation is in full force about the next OS. Android M may include sweet power saving capabilities, Google Fit and Google Now integration, a messaging hub, and improved overall performance. There is even a whisper that Android M will be built into some vehicles as part of the Android Auto Movement.

There is no set release date for Android M, so don’t be in too much of a hurry to get your hands on it. It may not come out until late 2015.

The discussion could go on for hours about the best tablets and advances in mobile technology, but out of all the rumors there arises one certainty: 2015 will see some new exciting gadgets that are bound to make tech lovers drool.

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