Why You Should Hire A Family Lawyer

A partnership of any kind can be difficult. But when an issue cannot be resolved or also involves lies, deception, and a lot of negative feelings towards the other party, trying to come to an amicable and reasonable solution can be downright impossible. This is often why those involved in a marriage, domestic partnership or a civil union choose to hire a family lawyer to help them fairly resolve these issues so that they can move on with their lives.

What Does a Family Lawyer Do?

Family law is a fairly expansive area of the law which covers a number of key issues which anyone in a marriage, domestic partnership or civil union may find themselves facing. Family lawyers are experts in areas such as:

  • Divorce
  • Annulment
  • Spousal Support
  • Child visitation, custody and support
  • Grandparent visitation
  • Parental responsibility orders
  • Paternity testing
  • Property settlements
  • Adoption and surrogacy
  • Alimony payments
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Why Choose to Hire A Family Lawyer?

When dealing with any of the above issues, it is always beneficial to consult a family attorney. An experienced attorney in this particular field will be able to answer any questions which you may have about family law and how it can affect your specific situation. Many family attorneys offer free consultations to individuals facing any one of the above issues to discuss their circumstances. During the consultation, the attorney will educate them on their rights and the potential outcome of their case.

  • Separation and Divorce

If, after a period of separation, a couple chooses to end their marriage, a family lawyer should be consulted. Not only are the laws surrounding divorce difficult to understand and fairly complex, but they can also change from year to year. An attorney who specialises in family law will be able to explain the laws as well as work with the other spouse’s attorney throughout the divorce process. This minimises if not completely eliminates the need for both parties to the marriage to communicate or be in contact with one another.

  • Violence and Abuse
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Family law attorneys are also able to help spouses with issues such as child abuse, spousal abuse, and domestic violence. This may either be the result of physical abuse or it may be emotional abuse. Well-trained family attorneys have been able to counsel both parties and settle any differences between them. If a spouse is seeking divorce, an attorney will help the abused party seek restitution, compensation, spousal support, the payment of any medical bills resulting from a violent act as well as child support and custody.

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Regardless of why an individual may be seeking the help of a family law attorney, the attorney will ensure that all of the necessary paperwork is filled out and filed on time to expedite the case proceedings. A family lawyer will accompany their client to court and represent them or act as their guide should an individual choose to represent themselves. Their job is to ensure that by the end of the case the client receives the amount of compensation they deserve for themselves and their children.

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