4 Common Health Problems in Horses and Treatment Tips



No matter how much care and concern you have your equine friends, sometimes they may fall sick as horses are prone to various ailments. Careful consideration is important to minimize the effects of such illnesses, and the caretakers should also be aware of these most common disease conditions and the cure to handle it well. This article is aimed at horse owners and caretakers to have an overview of 4 of the most common horse ailments and tips to handle these well.


1. Lameness


Irregular gait is the typical pointer to lameness on horses. The degree of it may vary case to case. There may be a variety of causes for lameness from injuries, wounds, or bone breakage. Joint or ligament inflammation, sprain, spavin, never or muscles issues may also cause lameness in the horse. On the other hand, sometimes the reason for lameness may also be as simple as a stone caught in the hoof or if the horseshoe is loose.

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Whatever the reason is, it is advisable to call up a vet. They may do a thorough evaluation and based on the diagnosis; various treatment interventions can be done like applying cooling gel, fitting cooling pads, try out a hock boot, etc.

2. Colic


Colic is a generic term for any of the various gastrointestinal disturbances that horses may suffer. Typical pointers to colic include, but not limited to appetite loss, scratching, rolling, profuse sweating, lack of gut sounds, etc. There may be man causes for colic as a change in routine diet, unclean water, and accidental ingestion of any poisonous plants, ulcers, bowel shifts, or stress.


A detailed evaluation by an expert vet is necessary in case of colic too. It is ideal to rug the horse to keep it warm. There are many preventative supplements available to help with a bout of colic. Some of such supplements contain probiotic compounds like brewer’s grains, brewer’s yeast, or digestive herbs.

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3. Laminitis


In the case of laminitis, the pedal bone may break through the sole of the foot. Presenting symptoms are usually excessive sweating, restlessness, and rapid lameness.


Laminitis is a serious condition, and it is essential to call a vet if there are suspected symptoms. It may not get cured fully, but its progression can be halted with the right intervention on time. A grazing muzzle is usually applied on to the horses affected to limit the intake of fructan-rich grass which intensity laminitis.

4.Respiratory ailments


Horses have a very intensive respiratory system, and horses are also very sensitive to the poor quality of air. There are a bunch of respiratory illnesses horses may catch ranging from equine influenza, contagious coughs, bronchitis to allergic reactions. Typical symptoms are a cough to start with and then nasal discharge to poor performance.

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A vet needed to be called in if the symptoms persist. The horse must be started on medications in case of bronchitis or so. It is also essential to ensure clean air circulation by avoiding any dust particles, irritants, or ammonia in the air. Damping the hay before feeding may also help reduce dust. Respiratory health in horses can also be maintained with some sort of herbal mixtures, mineral fluids, and mineral feeds.


Please remember that the information in this article in no way substitute the need for an expert vet consultation. You can find more information at https://www.tvg.com/promos/breeders-cup/ A horse is a valuable and lovable possession, so instant care must be taken if you identify even the minute symptoms of an ailment.


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