5 Reasons To Create An SMS Connection

Today’s modern society is in love with technology. A recent study showed that the average smartphone user checked their phone 150 times per day. With all of those eyes on mobile devices, your business is at a significant disadvantage if you are not marketing to the mobile user.

One great way to connect with the consumer, and begin a business bond, is through SMS messaging. Text messages offer a great way to get your customers more involved without over marketing to them. Included here are a few reasons you should utilize this easy tool to create a mobile moment with your clientele.

Be Visible

With all of those eyes focusing on small mobile screens, any business that wishes to stay relevant will need to have some visible representation. By creating a presence via SMS messaging, your customers will have you in the forefront of their mind and, in turn, be more open to your marketing. If you don’t make yourself a visible presence in your consumer’s eyes they will choose other, more familiar, options.

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Offer Easy Access

Nearly everyone knows how to use SMS messaging. It is one of the most simplistic, basic tools on a phone. By offering your customer the option to simply shoot your company a text to be entered in a drawing or for more information, they will have better access to your amenities without much effort. While QR codes are another fantastic way to get your customers viewing your product, not all phones are equipped to deal with them.

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Calls-to-Action are Simple to Produce

By instigating a “call-to-action” in your store or on your product, you are giving the customer the power to pursue your brand and create contact. A call-to-action can be just a simple box asking the consumer to text a number or phrase to you to be entered for a drawing or for coupons. Customers are often willing to make this small endeavor in the hopes of saving money without having to sacrifice much time.

Appealing Low Commitment

Many businesses create mobile tools that demand you download their app and learn to navigate it. While this kind of set-up is nice for those genuinely committed to the brand, it is too much dedication for the new customer. A simple SMS message does not require they download or commit anything to your company immediately.

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Opportunity to Upsell

SMS messaging may seem limiting when you are beginning your business’ mobile outreach but it is a great stepping stone for further involvement with consumers. With successful “mobile moments” generated by SMS, you will have greater opportunity to give your consumer links to click and apps to download. Messaging creates a trust between brand and consumer that can be furthered with other techy connections.

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