5 Signs That You Have The Most Demonic Boss Ever

You’re already laden with a zillion demands and complaints to fix things that haven’t been working out, since ever. Your wife keeps nagging over the new house you need, kids keep on asking for the new play station in market and your neighbor behaves like a complete douche to throw all the garbage at your doorstep. Seriously, life hasn’t been a cakewalk for you.

But, before you reach any conclusions, aim your consideration towards ‘the daddy’ you’ve got at work. Who else can it be, except for the one who makes your life decisions (sarcasm) and the one you’ve been trying to impress since you got a job offer- your boss.

Gave you goosebumps, didn’t it?

As soon as you enter the office, there he stands, all set to nip you in the back over targets yet to be reached, reports yet to be made and the presentations yet to be completed. However, judging him over his shrewd competencies wouldn’t be fair. Hence, given below are seven such instances that will help you get assured regarding the fact that you do have a demonic boss.

1) He’s Unfairly Cynical…Always!

5 Signs That You Have The Most Demonic Boss Ever

You got the numbers, motivated yourself to achieve further and decided to share your accomplishments with him and guess what, you didn’t get him in the best of moods. Instead of appreciating your efforts, he starts being downright blunt and stringent. Obviously, this will push your morale down, but that’s a part of his evil idiosyncrasies.

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No matter what results you achieve, there always be a glitch spotted to make you realize that things you do can’t be flawless.

The only hack to this kind of situation is going for a feedback before completing your chores at work, every time. Ask him, how differently he wants things to happen. If nothing, this will get you in his good books.

2) He Sets The Bar Too high For You to Achieve

5 Signs That You Have The Most Demonic Boss Ever

Most evil bosses are habitual to this one. He’ll meagerly blurt out a positive feedback for things that go above and beyond his expectations. Plus, a demonic boss will also be marked with exceptionally low tolerance for mistakes. He simply doesn’t realize that people aren’t machines and would stop trying beyond a point.

3) He Freaks Out and Behaves Like A Hothead

Medical sciences vouch for secretion of adrenalin rush at abnormal levels as the prime reason for the situation. However, being short-tempered is a psychological response to stress that surpasses every level, as thought by a person. Whatever the cause may be, it must have made impossible for you to work in a state of complete mental peace.

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5 Signs That You Have The Most Demonic Boss Ever

In such a case, it’s quite imperative for you to withhold any rebuttal whatsoever, as it would only make things go worse. Might not sound like a hack, but with a calm mind try to focus on the point, instead of the incessant swearing. Who knows, you might just convince him by demonstrating immense patience.

4) Has The Habit of Taking Undue Credit

5 Signs That You Have The Most Demonic Boss Ever

An old saying-‘petty thieves rise through the ranks’ finds the right fit in this situation. He will not only demonstrate ignorance, but will never miss a chance to grab recognition where other employees need to be appreciated. Obviously, confronting a petty theft like this directly would be futile. What might actually prove effective is keeping a record every feat you achieved, coupled with a non-accusatory tone while voicing your opinion.

5) He’s a Micromanager

5 Signs That You Have The Most Demonic Boss Ever

 Securing a job offer was sure a big thing, but being a good manager is the next milestone in queue. A good manager is often characterized by letting the employees explore their potential by going beyond the limits and introducing a tinge of their own innovation in every task they perform. However, every individual is not cut from that cloth. If you have an evil boss who doesn’t even shows a modicum of trust on you, then micromanagement on his part is the first thing to be witnessed. If he can’t let you send even an email without him proofreading it, then you’ve got an insecure superior who wants to keep you under his thumb, all the time.

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Just because you secured a job-offer, that doesn’t make your professional journey blissful. Right guidance with periodic appraisal is equally necessary, for you to cross every barricade and come across as the bright employee in your organization.

abshuman-newAuthor Bio : Anshuman Kukreti is a professional writer and a keen follower of the global job market. An engineer by qualification and an artist at heart, he writes on various topics relating to employment across the gulf. Reach him @ LinkedInTwitter and Google+.

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