5 Steps To Help You Plan For A Child’s Big Birthday

It can be quite daunting trying to plan the perfect day for a loved one. But it should also be exciting. At a young age, children’s imaginations runs riot, meaning there is no limit to what you could plan for their birthday. But it still needs organising. And below is a guide to make everything manageable for you.

Early planning

First of all you have a decision to make in terms of how much you want to be involved in the running of this party. Do you do it all yourself, or do you get a children’s party planner involved? There are lots of companies offering to take the party off your hands and arrange everything – the entertainers, the theme, the logistics, the lot. These are becoming increasingly popular options for parents who want to go the extra mile, or simply don’t have the time to plan the perfect party.

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If you do decide to go ahead and plan it yourself, first of all try and settle on a theme. If you can get your son or daughter involved in this planning stage then all the better. Or, surprise them with something you know they’ll really enjoy.

Sorting the guestlist

After this you have the guest list to prepare. It’s up to you whether you want to, or can cater for, a whole class of children. But it’s important to get the numbers right and to keep track of people who have RSVP’d so you know how many children you should plan for. However, before you can keep track of RSVP’s you need to send out the invites. These can be as personalised as you like, and should be sent a few weeks before the event to give other parents plenty of warning.

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Food and drink

If you can, try and organise the food and drink you serve to fit around the theme. However, there are several party foods and treats you can order in or make to please any child. Just make sure you have enough to go around! You don’t want anyone feeling left out. And, of course, make extra effort for the cake. This will be one of the things your child remembers the most, for years to come.


Now the children are there and all fed, all you need to worry about is them being entertained. Children’s entertainers can be hired to cover this. But if you don’t hire one, you can always play some of the timeless games you probably played when you were young, such as pass the parcel, musical chairs, or even make a piñata.

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Big attractions

Finally, you could arrange bigger attractions to entertain the party. Perhaps you could fit a bouncy castle in your garden? Otherwise, photobooths are becoming increasingly popular at children’s parties, if you wanted to hire one of them to capture their smiling faces. And don’t forget the parents! They need to be entertained as well. So make sure you have plenty of food available for them, and try to get them involved in the games.

Overall, have fun! By following these basic steps, your child should have the party they’ve always dreamed of. And – hopefully – it should be relatively stress free

James Sinclair is the Founder of the children’s party organisers and entertainers – The Partyman Company.

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