Bridges Worth Crossing Around the World

As much as a bridge serves people to commute between two places, it also adds a new dimension of art to a city. Every metro city is dotted with skyscrapers, flyovers, smart cities, and bridges. The construction of bridges has taken a new leap in respect to design and techniques incorporated in making the structure. Architects use innovative 3D technology and virtual design to create various simulations of a bridge structure.

The construction of a bridge involves a complex undertaking of technical knowledge and architectural expertise. A bridge is often built to reduce traffic or to allow pedestrians to connect between two cities or to connect two different places. Aqueducts are the most ancient structures that served as an inspiration to modern-day bridges. They were used to transport fresh water for great distances during the medieval era. From spectacular suspension bridges to pedestrian walkways, construction of bridges is a challenging process and involves many years of endeavor. Some of the iconic bridges around the world are marvelous pieces of architecture. The construction of bridges involves complex technique. Using the best quality cement is recommended for the construction of bridges and flyovers for greater strength and durability.

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The Golden Gate bridge is certainly the most spectacular bridge in California. It is one of the world’s longest too spanning 4200 feet. It is constructed with earthquake-resistant technology. This bridge has walkways, bicycling lanes, and a six-vehicle traffic lane. Eco-friendly cement is often used for the construction of sustainable buildings and bridges. The best cement for construction of a bridge is Grade 53 cement, due to its strength and durability. MP Birla manufactures the best cement in India, in OPC, PPC and PSC categories. OPC is used for the construction of bridges. OPC is the best cement for RCC and general construction works. Ponte Vecchio in Florence, Italy is a classic example of renaissance infrastructure.  It is a one-of-a-kind bridge spanning over the Arno river. This bridge had medieval century workshops and houses on the top of the structure. Now a major tourist destination in Florence, this bridge has a history of surviving through the World War II. The stunning Brooklyn Bridge across the New York City Skyline spans at a length of 1596 feet over the East River. It features a great pedestrian walkway for the walkers and the cyclists above the automobile lanes. The construction of this bridge was carried on fourteen years. Akashi Kaiko is the longest suspension bridge, located in Japan. It is also the tallest bridge in the World. It connects the city of Kobe with Iwaya.

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Next time, you visit of these countries, make sure to check out these amazing bridges along with other magnificent structures.


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