Checklist for Your Baby’s Christening Ceremony

A christening is a time to welcome a newborn into the family faith. It is also a celebration of new life and a family tradition. This is why you should have the day planned out well before hand. Here is a checklist to guide you through the preparation.

Make Arrangements with the Church

This should be the very first step.  Get in touch with your minister, priest of church’s office to set the date and time for the ceremony. Find out if you are required to take classes before the big day as this is required in some churches. It is also important to establish how long the ceremony will take in order to plan for the after party.

Inform the Godparents

Your newborn’s Godparents should be the first to be informed of the baby’s christening ceremony.  As you set the date, make sure to consider whether they will be available for both the baptism and the after party. They can also help out with the planning as it can become overwhelming.  Inform them well in advance that they will be required to give a toast in honor of the family during the party.

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Pick a Venue for the Party

The party should be held in a convenient location preferably close to the church where the main ceremony will be held. Most people prefer hosting the party at home, but you could also opt for a local restaurant.

Prepare the Guest List

How many people will be coming for the ceremony? Is your venue big enough for them? Will the guests be coming with their kids? These are just some of the questions you need to answer. It is important to discuss the guest list with your spouse and the baby’s godparents.

Plan for the Menu

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You should plan for the menu with your guests in mind. How many will they be? Will there be kids in attendance? If you have a large group, you might want to go with a buffet or a barbecue as it will be easier on your pocket. The food should also be appealing to kids if there will be any at the party.

Send out invitations

Send out invitations about 3 to 4 weeks in advance. This will give your friends and family adequate time to plan for the ceremony. The invite should include the venue and time of the ceremony and the party. Include an RSVP address in order to get a head count of those attending. This will allow you to plan your menu and arrange for seating.

 Gift Policy

It is important to let your guests know whether you will be accepting gifts. You can include this in the invitation or send each of the guests an email. Make sure you inform them early enough if you will not be accepting gifts since most guests will bring gifts by default.

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Baby’s Clothing

You need to make arrangements for what your baby will wear for the christening ceremony and the party. It is always best to have two outfits. If you have a hand-me-down gown, then you will only need to shop for the outfit for the party. If you do not, you can always buy short baptism dresses for your baby girl. You can also get plenty of tasteful outfits for boys.

Your baby’s christening is a very important day that should be filled with joy and celebration. Follow the checklist above to make sure you do not forget a thing. Carry a camera in order to capture every special moment of this auspicious occasion.

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