Digital Asset Management Software For Photographers

Because technology evolves so fast and invades all areas of people’s lives, individuals and companies reach a point when they need to control and manage their digital media assets. Photography is the industry where professionals need to make use of digital asset management (DAM) programs extensively because they need a database to secure and store valuable digital media photography files so that they can retrieve files whenever they need.

Generally, photographers work with hundreds of digital media photography files, and a simple human mistake could lead to disaster. Tracking their numbers and knowing where each individual photo is uploaded is a tricky job, so it is very easy to lose or erase them by mistake. Once a photo is deleted the chances of recovering it are low, and in most cases the images are lost forever.

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Organize your Photographs

Let’s say that you work with 10 clients and you have to take photographs for them on a daily basis. Because of a high workload and a high amount of photographs that have to be taken daily, storing and archiving them is a real challenge. If you face difficulties when you work with only 10 clients, just imagine how hard it will be if you work with 50. You’ll not be able to satisfy their needs, and eventually you will stop making a profit. If you get a bad reputation, the chances of finding other clients are reduced significantly.

Try the features of digital asset management software by

Even though at this moment you can handle the task of organizing your photos, in the future you will definitely need to make use of reliable software programs such as digital asset management software by These programs are chosen by photographers because this is the only way to archive, distribute, and retrieve photographs efficiently. These pieces of software are not only a powerful tool in the photography industry, but they are also recommended for companies which need to handle large amounts of digital assets, such as files containing their customers’ demands or important appointments.

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Protect your Data

Working with DAM ensures that you deposit valuable digital assets in a safe environment. Hard drive failures and human errors are the most common reasons why photographers lose files and, in consequence, also lose clients. There is nothing more annoying than noticing that you are missing important images because no backups were made.

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Most digital asset management software programs don’t use the computer’s hard drive memory to store files out of precaution. Hard drive failure is very common, and if the program deposits files on the hard drive all the data will be gone when the HDD failure occurs, so the software would be completely useless. DAM software uses cloud-storing technology, which means that everything is stored on an off-site server, so the files can be retrieved from any computer with Internet access.

In conclusion, digital asset management programs allow photographers to manage their digital assets efficiently, and because of regular backups the chances of losing important files are limited, thus ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction.

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