How To Conduct An Effective Mobile App Marketing Campaign

Mobile App Marketing

Marketing an app for whatever device is not an easy undertaking. While each application is different, the strategy to market it should be equally unique. You can obtain the help of an app marketing agency, or you can start with the following easy procedures.

Ensure Your Idea is Valid

This is perhaps the most important stage even before the actual marketing procedures. It involves building an app that many people will actually like and use. By conducting meticulous market research, you will gain invaluable insights.

Ensure the solution that you want to introduce actually solves people’s problems. Your press kit should discuss what the app does. Be careful with the information you give. Otherwise, you may disclose too many secrets and risk giving the entire idea away. Use efficient tools such as screenshots and descriptions to attract subscribers.

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Start with Social Media

The fact that setting up accounts on most social media networks is free or affordable cannot be overemphasized. With free or affordable options such as Facebook and Twitter, you access millions of users, followers, and subscribers.

Once you have set up accounts, start following and liking people and organizations that either use these apps or talk about them. When you start sharing valid useful information, other people will start following you and liking your activity, further expanding your reach. The secret here is creating a buzz during the launch and subsequent use of the application.

Build a Microsite

Just as the name suggests, a microsite is a miniature website. Here, you discuss details of your app in two or three short web pages; as people download the app from conventional app stores, your product gains valuable traffic from search engines.
While at it, ensure you use converting Meta descriptions, keywords, and key phrases to directed search engine users to your miniature website. Ensure the wordings; images and video on this website are actually converted to the average passive visitor.

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Create a Stunning Teaser

To hook prospective subscribers into using the app, develop a short teaser into what the product does. Encourage people who visit your microsite to try out the teaser and then share their email addresses with you. When the app actually launches, notify this clientele via email. This is a prudent approach to gather would be customers as they sample the demo of the real thing.

Generate Hype

Bloggers, publications and news outlets greet every new product in the market with considerable applause. The more hype you generate around the existence and imminent launch, the more people get to know about it.
Therefore, talk to owners of blogs and online magazines. Read the reviews on your landing page to get valuable insights. Even after the launch of the product, contact these people again, this time with statistics of downloads, customer reviews, and other details that will keep the app newsworthy and relevant.

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Decide on Pricing

You can either make money from actual downloads of your apps or from in-app purchases of other products. Therefore, decide what income-generating model you want to adopt. Other valuable points are using a right name for the app and encouraging users to share it with their friends, colleagues, and family.

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