Labour Will Tackle Bad Landlords With A Renter’s Charter

Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour party have pledged to get tough on rogue landlords and promised a new charter of renters’ rights, along with a national property MOT that will be used as a measure and a guide for tenants.
Labour Will Tackle Bad Landlords With A Renter's Charter

The scheme being proposed will require all landlords to have an annual inspection, and they will face tough penalties and be required by law to offer refunds to tenants if they do not meet the requirements or break any of the rules.

Research that is being used as evidence by the Labour party shows that one out of every four privately-rented homes are either in disrepair or unsafe to live in. This includes homes that are damp and cold. Tenants living in these properties are thought to pay more than 10 billion pounds in rent to landlords each year.

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All landlords need to ensure their properties meet the required standards and that they have legally binding contracts in place. This is essential to protect hem and their tenants. Companies such as offer property inventory software to help landlords offer a quick and effective solution to providing inventories at the start of a new rental agreement.

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The rental market is seeing an increase both in those wanting to rent and those investing in buy to let properties. Experts believe this increase in the market has put more pressure on the government to improve conditions.

Jeremy Corbyn is firmly on the side of the tenants and says that what he calls “dodgy landlords” have been given free rein for far too long. He believes many landlords have exploited the system by offering below-standard accommodation.

Labour Will Tackle Bad Landlords With A Renter's Charter
If Labour get into power and introduce the new scheme, they believe it can put a cap on rental costs and fund a union to speak on behalf of those living in rented accommodation.

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The three main rights of the charter will be:

-The right to an affordable rented home, with rent capped in line with inflation.
-The right to be protected against unfair evictions.
-The right to have a home that meets certain minimum standards.

Labour believe that the current situation is causing tenants and their families to live in poverty as they are too afraid to report their landlords for fear of eviction.

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