Reasons You Should Send Your Child To Summer Camp

What are the benefits which your child may enjoy away from home during summer? Here are some:

Self-esteem Boost

When kids go to summer camps, they don’t their parents to help them there to approach people or to make connections. So they have to do it themselves and it teaches them confidence when they make friends. Learning to do different activities like canoeing or archery also makes them realize their capabilities and it helps them to feel good about themselves.

Instills Leadership Skills

It teaches kids important leadership skills. It’s because summer camps allow the kids to direct summer projects and to make choices, which are the natural leadership training places. These children are less possible to be influenced by peer pressure and are more possible to set the tone and pace for other kids. Moreover they feel empowered in the tasks they take on in their lives.

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Develops Independence

It’s a wonderful way of encouraging self-development and to develop independence. With the guidance from the camp counselors children are empowered to take care of themselves at camp. Schedules are packed and bedtimes are set, but children have to still get up and ready by themselves, they have to make their own camp beds and have to find their own way to the mess hall. Moreover, kids who are a little too attached to their parents learn how to trust themselves in summer camps and learn to make decisions and to take care of themselves.

Exposure to Diversity

Summer camp helps in connecting kids to those kids who they might not meet normally. Kids hence learn that the world is a huge place with lots of different people, who do things quite differently than them. This includes other kids along with the camp’s leaders counselors, who can be a positive role models for them and they also can leave a big impression on them.

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Helps Make Friends

In camp Gowanus children get to become friends for life with those people who don’t particularly live right next door to them. They make friends in this manner with people from various different areas.

Building and navigating these friendships also teaches kids how to become more socially confident which is something they take back to school in the fall with them.

Develop Interests

Camps provide a nurturing environment for kids to explore programs and activities that can turn into passions for life. There’s so much stuff to do at camps (archery, canoeing, crafts, swimming etc.), and so many fun activities which the kids discover.

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Gets them Active

Summer Camp help kids learn to be kids all over again. The camps cut back on the distractions in this technology-filled world. Many camps ban computers and cell phones, so kids can take advantage of what the summertime truly has to offer. This means that those kids who are prone to playing video games and texting are now forced to get up and to get moving.

Author’s bio

Henry is a freelance writer based in Brooklyn and loves to write articles for parent’s guidance and on best summer day camp Brooklyn.

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