Safety Rules For A Party Bus

Travelling in a party bus is more fun than you can think of. Starting the celebration with your family and friends before reaching the venue is amazing. Travelling is generally very boring when you just have to sit, and the most entertaining thing you can do is to listen to music. But in a party bus Chicago you get to dance, to drink and have snacks. However, due to limited space and over excited people it can be a bit risky too. If you are the organiser of such a trip it is better to have some rules to make your trip both fun and safe. Some of the passengers might be reluctant to obey these rules but the rules are very important. The rules are enlisted below.

Limited Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is the opposite of smartness. If the passengers get drunk then something is bound to happen. No doubt alcohol is also considered essential for enjoyment by some people, so it is better to set a limit to the consumption of alcohol. Set the limit so that all the passengers enjoy and no one complains, because the last thing you want is the people being disappointed from the trip you organised. Also it is helpful if a few persons on board have a habit of not drinking, so if something happens they can handle it.

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Dancing Time

Nobody wants to leave the chance of dancing in a moving vehicle. Most of the passengers will want to dance throughout the trip. But due to the limited space the chances of injury are very high. The best option is to start dancing when the bus has reached the open roads, where it will be moving at constant speeds for long time. Avoid dancing when bus is in the city as there is the risk of people getting hurt if the bus accelerates or decelerates quickly.

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Safety and Comfort Over Luxury

When you are choosing the party bus you want to hire, check the bus for safety before you see the luxurious facilities. Things like a dancing pole might look very exciting at first but it can be very dangerous for the passengers. Also make sure that all the seats have seat belts on them. The floor should not be too hard so even if someone falls down, which is very likely, he or she does not get injured. Remember to check the toilets too. In short, when you are looking for the bus, consider the safety and comfort of all the people that are going to be travelling in it.

Do not Permit Any Smoking

Smoking on a bus is illegal in many states anyway, so it can get you in a lot of trouble. The lit cigarettes or cigars or lighters can be deadly in a motor vehicle. The fabric used to make party bus Chicago look fancy is, in most cases, prone to fire. Also smoking in a confined place will be harmful for all the passengers.

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Special Attention Towards Children

It is not a good idea to travel with children in a bus where people will be dancing and drinking. So it is better to have a separate vehicle for families with small children. If that is not possible than do not let the parents of small children drink.

Convincing the passengers to obey the rules will not be easy. The people will be very excited and will not want anyone to stop them from doing what they want. But you will have to make them aware of the risks. All that fun will be waste if even a smallest of incidents happens.

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