The Breast Implants – Important Things You Must Know Before Undergoing The Procedure

Here are some things you must remember before undergoing the breast augmentation surgery. According to the studies and facts, more than 25% of females need another surgery within 10 years of the first treatment.

The implants will never last forever. Patients will notice leaking implants or scar shell around them that affect the shape of the breasts. The other factors that lead to second surgery could be pregnancy, weight loss, and change in the preferences and so on.

Rough Estimate of the Cost of Breast Implants

The latest average cost of this treatment is about $3678. This fee excludes additional charges like hospital facilities, anaesthesia fees, drapes, bandages and other materials etc. The estimated price varies depending on the location, patient and doctor.

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It is essential to consult an experience professional for the treatment. You could find trustworthy and highly knowledgeable breast augmentation surgeon in SC and other neighbouring cities. The time will also reflect overall cost. Those procedures, which take more than 3 hours to complete are quite expensive.

Sufficient Rest is Crucial

The patients require rest of one week before they could resume their work. They will feel a little low after 5- 6 days, but do not face any difficulty at their workplace, especially if they do not have manual work. Many a times, women ask doctors to place implants behind muscles rather than the top of muscles. In this case, recovery will take much longer time.

The silicon breasts look like the original breasts. However, these handmade breasts feel a little different from the natural ones. You must ask yourself the following questions before the treatment-

  • Check whether your current situation is bothering you
  • Are you excited for this treatment
  • How do you want to follow the procedure?
  • Can you take out some time for exercise and dieting
  • Are you ready for different types of risk factors
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Important Facts to Consider Before the Surgery

You do not need to have minimum sized boobs for this surgery. It all depends on the personal preference of the patients. Consult your doctor before undergoing the reduction procedure. The experts provide an option of reduction and an implant to replace the lost volume. If the treatment is done after pregnancy, there are great chances that your boobs will grow to a desired volume. You could notice the difference within 6 – 7 months.

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Will their Weight Affect the Posture?

Like the natural breasts, the artificial silicon breasts will affect your body posture. Their weight is quite similar to that of natural ones. Make sure to choose the frame size that is in proportion to your body shape. Heavy implants will put pressure on the body. This procedure is convenient and comfortable if it is conducted before postpartum. Avoid performing the treatment after having kids.

You must take proper precautions after the surgery. The professionals ask their patients not to perform any cardio exercises especially those that involve bouncing. They have to limit these exercises for about 10 – 12 weeks.

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