Things You Should Know About Attic Fans

Hotter months are here, and many homeowners once again face the challenge of keeping the inside of their homes cool and comfortable. Getting an air conditioner may seem like the simplest solution, right? But not everyone is convinced of the advantages that air conditioners can give. Moreover, there are certain parts of your home that are less in need of air conditioning. The attic is one of them.

Fortunately, you have an alternative to air conditioning systems: attic fans. From its name, it is a fan that is installed in your attic with the purpose of helping reduce heat in this part of your home and consequently, the rest of the house. If you want to learn more about attic fans, read on below.

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What is an Attic Fan?

An attic fan is a kind of ventilator that regulates heat in the attic by exhausting hot air. It can be mounted on the roof or installed at the gable end. It requires additional vents to suck in fresh, cooler air as the hotter air is expelled. Together with the roof vents, an attic fan will prevent heat buildup and keep an ambient temperature in your attic.

3 Types of Attic Fans

Depending on the type, an attic fan could have varying effectiveness. Here are the three most common kinds of attic fans.

Solar attic fan. Like any other solar powered machines, this attic fan uses the sun to operate, sparing you from relying on electricity or gas. This would lessen your energy consumption, and as a result, you will have lower energy bills. However, when there is less sun and the sky is overcast, there is a significant decline in its efficiency.

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Electrical attic fans. Using electricity to operate, this attic fan is able to consistently move more air from the attic. Some even come with a thermostat that automatically turns them on and off, depending on the attic’s temperature. However, when powered attic fans are frequently in use, expect your electricity bills to be higher than when you are using other types. Also, electrical fans involve complex wiring, so you need to pay an expert to have it installed, adding to your expenses.

Wind powered fan. This type of attic fan, just like the solar powered one, depends on natural energy, which is the wind, to operate. While it is a good option for homeowners who want to cut down their energy consumption, a wind powered attic fan is not as consistent and as reliable as the electrical type. When there is a high wind speed outside, the fan would exhaust more air. Having a lower wind speed, however, will reduce its effectiveness.

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Consult a heating and cooling professional if you are considering installing an attic fan in your home. They will give you sound advice regarding the type of attic fan that would work for you, or whether installing one is the best cooling option for you.

Written by the staff of Controlled Aire Heating and Cooling in Moberly, MO.

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