4 ways to improve information security at workplace

cloud document management

Many managers consider information security as a futile exercise because results are never guaranteed. No matter how efficient and intact your security system is, there are loopholes that can never be filled.

For big organizations, the risk of information is very real and, in some cases, it can cost them big money. The good news is that these risks can be substantially minimized and that too by using simple, efficient tools. Here we line-up four effective ways for maintaining better cloud document management and information security at workplace.    

Better document management

Every manager knows that effective document management is important for smooth workflow but it is often neglected. Document management at workplace can be substantially improved by following the given below steps:

  • Version control: Ensuring right version of data is stored in cloud files
  • Record and retention management: Automatic deletion and performing retention task from time to time.
  • Automatic data classification: Securing, accessing, and retention of policies
  • Data masking and redaction: masking private and confidential information automatically  
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Effective data protection:

There are artificial intelligence companies in Dubai who claim to effectively protect your data and some of them are actually good but there are methods that one can apply manually to sort out data effectively.

  • Secure Development cycle: Includes prioritizing information security
  • Data encryption: Adds extra protection to already coded data
  • Access control and group policies: Fine tun access policies
  • Password security policies: Guiding users to pick strong password and avoid sensitive data from exposure
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Detecting confidential data outside core system

Organizations have to deal with gigabytes of data every single day, which sometimes makes even the most confidential lie outside the core system. Sometimes this sensitive data ends up in places like email, file shares, and cloud shares which makes it highly sensitive. Here are some ways to detect this confidential data and placing it in right place.

  • Federated search: Monitors data across number of systems, applications, and devices
  • Robust querying: Detect keywords, phrases, files, and attachments, and meta-data across system   
  • Automated search queries: Detects alerts across the system
  • Flexible rule engine: Supports multiple departments
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Sharing and collaboration of data

Sharing data on both external and internal mediums is an integral part of organization and this involves high amount of risk. Here are some ways to minimize risks while sharing confidential data:   

  • Robust access control: Allows corporate user accounts, SSO integration, and easy transfer
  • Data encryption: Protects information
  • Compliance: Minimizes risks and enables data protection
  • Automated sharing: reduces errors and risk of accidental exposure

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