5 Things To Know Before You Leave For College

5 Things To Know Before You Leave For College

Throughout high school, you probably have dreamed about which university you want to attend. Once you finish the application process, the time will quickly come that you will be packing your bags. Here are five things you should research before you leave for college and that you should remember throughout your university experience.

1. Research All the Costs

Tuition is only the beginning of the cost of your higher education. Don’t forget to include fees, housing, food, clothes, computer and books as you calculate your costs. If you figure out how much each class really costs, you might be less likely to miss one. Hopefully, you will qualify for scholarships or grants that will help with your cash flow.

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2. Get To Know the Area

As a freshman, you might be required to live on campus and walk wherever you go. Get to know the public transportation. Figure out where the closest grocery store is, where you will do your banking and where you will find the nearest pizza. If you have a car with you, that opens greater possibilities to venture further from campus. You will be able to drive to tourist sites and check out parks, rivers, mountains, and other settings in nature. You will feel more settled once the area is familiar and starts to seem like home.

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3. Understand Campus Rules

Make sure you know if there are curfews on campus. Find out if there are areas set aside for smokingthings and if pets are allowed to visit. In your apartment or dorm room, will you be able to have visitors stay overnight? What are the quiet hours and the consequences of not keeping the rules?

4. Stick to Your Homework Plan

Don’t procrastinate those homework assignments. The students who are most successful do their work first and then play. However, being balanced with your studies and recreation is important for your mental health. So have a plan in place to reward yourself with some downtime after you finish your homework goal for the day.

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5. Don’t Hesitate To Ask For Help

There are so many resources to help college students. On most campuses, there are counselors and health care services. Each department usually has an educational counselor that can help you determine your ideal class schedule. Talk to your professors during their office hours — they want to help you succeed. And don’t forget to call home often. Mom and Dad will listen and help you stay focused and reach out for any additional guidance you might need.

Have a great time in college and create some wonderful skills and memories!

Categorized as Education

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