Buying Champagne Online – Convenient and Cheaper Option For Sure

Today anything and everything is available in an online store. Buying alcoholic drinks specially champagnes from an online store should be done carefully. Buying champagne online is surely very convenient to its customers.

If you are champagne lover and you like to buy the perfect bottle of your choice, the online stores offer you a large number of options, unlike the limited collection at the wine shop. You can also get great deals on top champagne brands like the Chandon Brut Rose Edition.

In this article we will be discussing some of the important things to consider while buying champagne from an online store. Some of them are mentioned below for your knowledge:-

  • Check the region – The original champagne is produced and packed in France more specifically the north-eastern champagne province. While you find the bottle you were looking for, the first thing to do is check for the label on the model. If the label on the bottle has a manufacturing from any other place except France then it is not genuine champagne or off cheaper quality.
  • The codes – Generally every champagne bottle has a two letter code printed on the front of its label on the bottle: NM, RM, CM, and RC.
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These codes are basically provided to understand the type of the producer and the quality of the wine. The four codes represent:-

  1. Negociant manipulant(NM) – most of the champagne bottles fall under this code. The NM champagnes are from the house which buys grapes in bulk and produce their own type of champagne.
  2. Co-operative manipulant (CM) – the champagne bottles under this code is from a grouping of growers collectively making their own brand names.
  3. Recoltant manipulant (RM) – champagnes under this code are for the growers who make the champagne from their own grapes.
  4. Recoltant co-operateur (RC) – champagnes under this code are for a co operative member who buys back the product to sell it under his own brand name.
  • Champagne styles – If you want to buy a genuine and the perfect champagne for yourself, then you must know the different styles of champagnes available in the market today. There are basically 6 styles of champagnes, namely:-
  1. Brut – large quantity of champagnes are classified as dry. Brut champagnes are the best for drink with food situation.
  2. Blanc de noirs – the specialty of this type of champagnes is that it is a white wine which is produced by pure black grapes.
  3. Blanc de blancs – this type of champagnes age most elegantly and are specifically made from Chardonnay grapes.
  4. Doux – doux is one of the sweetest tasting champagnes of all. It is often termed as the “desert” champagne.
  5. Demi – sec – demi sec is also sweet champagne. The sweetness of demi sec is lesser than doux. These champagnes are best teamed with deserts.
  6. Extra dry – extra dry are very popular for sparkling wines in USA. These are a little bit sweeter than the brut.
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Bottle size – Lastly, the small champagne bottles are usually not fresh and should be used within few months. Champagne bottles are available in 187 ml splits and 375 ml half bottles. Standard bottles are available in (750 ml) and magnums (1.5 L)

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