Eating Organic On A Budget

Organic food

With the increased awareness of the dangers of pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics in our foods, organic eating has become a must in the homes of many families across the United States. Though many people like the idea of eating organic, the cost of buying these foods can range anywhere from 10-30% more than buying conventional food.  These high costs hinder families from making organic choices.  For now, prices on organic foods are not going to drop, but the good news is, that there are a number of ways to save money while eating organic.

Buy organic foods that are in season.  Foods that are in season are more readily available, therefore costing less.  You’ll also find that these foods are much tastier than those same foods purchased off season.  Buy your favorite fruits and vegetables in bulk while they’re in season and cost you less. These items can be put in the freezer or canned for delicious organic produce all year long.

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Consider stores you wouldn’t normally shop at for organic options.  Walgreens offers a huge selection of organic foods and personal care products.  Find items like organic teas, oatmeal, protein bars, and snacks all at great prices.  Groupon Coupons also offers Walgreens coupons that can save you quite a bit of money without having to put forth a lot of effort.

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Prioritize the foods you eat organically,  If you can afford to buy some organic foods, be sure to start with those that pose the most risk.  Fruits like strawberries, peaches, apples, and blueberries should be purchased organic because they are treated with multiple pesticides and eaten with the skins on.  Organic beef should be high on the list, as there has been much research leading to a risk of cancer, especially breast cancer, do to antibiotics in the meat.  Much of the milk purchased in grocery stores contains the hormone called Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) which has also been associated with increased risk of cancer.

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Make your own organic products. Organic snack foods, frozen meals, and cleaning products can be quite expensive, and making these products can save big money without too much added effort.  Make a large batch of homemade kale chips or have a tub of homemade organic soup ready in the freezer for a quick meal. A spray bottle of vinegar and water can go a long way as far as organic cleaning is concerned.

Your health is important, and eating organic foods can play a major role in keeping your body working at its best.  By being smart about organic, you can eat these clean, good for you foods at a price you can afford.

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