Embrace The New You This New Year With A Portrait Shoot

It’s easy to make New Year’s Resolutions negative when planning to become a better version of your current self in January. Lose weight, stop smoking, stop dating the wrong kind of guy, give up every treat that tempts you. So it’s no wonder that many of us fail to keep our resolutions for more than a few weeks. Instead of focusing on the things you don’t like about yourself in 2015, how about turning the question on its head to concentrate on what you do like? A portrait shoot can help you do just that.

Confident, Carefree and Cool

When putting together your New Year’s Resolutions, there will no doubt be a few that get relegated to lower down the list and are simply forgotten after Christmas. You may want to be more outgoing when socialising and networking, or care less about what people think. However changing your outlook in such subtle but important ways can be difficult.

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A portrait shoot will give you the confidence boost you need, playing to your strengths and showing you just how awesome you look in your own skin. Acting up to the camera can be surprisingly fun, and you’ll be amazed at how much you learn to like yourself within the space of a shoot.

Capture Your Youth

Whether you’re 21, 40 something or eternally 26, time soon flies when you’re having fun. And if you don’t stop to look in the mirror once in a while, you might wake up one day and wish you’d appreciated your ‘lot’ a bit more. Everyone should have a photo shoot at least once in their lifetime, as whatever your age, size or personality, you’ll look and feel your best and have a set of show-stopping images to treasure forever. Not to mention capturing your looks before time catches up on them!

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Memorable Me Time

Often in life we spend so much time focusing on pleasing others that we forget to look after ourselves. Why shouldn’t you treat yourself a shoot – you might grow old waiting for someone to book one for you! Make the new you someone who will seize the day and prioritise ‘me time’ every now and again, rather than watching time slip away with stress and to-do lists!

During a shoot your friendly photographer will make you feel completely at ease. You’ll have your hair and make up done just how you like it (or even in a new style!), and you can have fun acting up in front of the camera to produce some amazing images.

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Embrace the go-getter inside that’s just waiting to be released in 2015, and find the new you in a portrait shoot that will really bring out your playful side. And give you some gorgeous photos to show off to family and friends! Relaxed, fun and perfect for any personality, a portrait shoot will capture what makes you unique. Allow youself to remember your fabulousness!

Article by Rebecca Fearn of Rebecca Fearn Photography, creative wedding and portrait photographer based in Huddersfield West Yorkshire. You can follow her on twitter @fearnphotos

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