Hot Tubs; Some Answers To The Most Common Questions

Not everyone is an expert on hot tubs. Although they have been gaining popularity over the past few years, there is still a large percentage of the population who either doesn’t own one or has never experienced using one, so naturally there are lots of questions that need answering.

You may be wondering if you need a large garden or space to accommodate one. Well really that depends on the size of hot tub you choose. They come in a range of sizes from basic portable models that will slot easily into a corner right up to the much larger swim spas that will need far more space, so just go for the model that will suit the space you have available.

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If you are wondering if it’s a costly business keeping your hot tub warm, just remember that hot tub manufacturers are always improving on the efficiency of their hot tub heaters so you can be sure of the costs being kept to a minimum. When purchasing, take the advice of the supplier and use an efficient cover to keep the heat in when not in use.

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Can anyone use a hot tub? If the temperature is kept below a certain level then most people should be able to. However, anyone who is pregnant or suffers from high blood pressure must be careful not to climb in a hot tub that is too hot. Pleasantly warm is the best advice.

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Are there any health conditions that can benefit from using a hot tub? Yes, lots of them including arthritis which will be improved by more flexibility in the joints and less pain. Stress can also be lowered successfully when using a hot tub due to its relaxing properties as well as other conditions such as insomnia, type 2 diabetes, fibromyalgia and carpel tunnel syndrome. In fact most people would benefit in some way from using a hot tub regularly.

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