Making The Most Of Your Corporate Calendar This Year

As far as marketing tools go, corporate calendars can be simply outstanding. What makes these kinds of gifts so different and arguably superior to the vast majority of other business gifts is the way in which it’s a way of getting your brand, your message and what it is you stand for right in front of any given target for a full year. From peer businesses to important clients to everyday members of the public, there really isn’t any other marketing medium that could very well find itself being both looked at and used for 365 days of the year.

Of course, getting it right means investing considerable time and effort in coming up with something that sticks – it’s not as easy as taking a dozen pieces of paper and scribbling a few pictures on them. That being said, with the right calendar manufacturers in-tow and a little creativity, it really isn’t all that difficult to come up with a calendar you’ll be proud to hand out to even your most important clients and customers.

Here’s an overview of just a few tips for making it happen:

Quality Above All Else

First and foremost, it’s of crucial importance to realise that nothing at all matters more than quality – and that means the quality of every last detail. From the hardware itself to the quality of the images and any written content you intend to include, this calendar will provide a snapshot of what it is you stand for and how you carry yourself as a business. Do you want to be seen as a business for which quality doesn’t count? Of course not, so make sure your calendar presents the right message.

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Image Selection

There’s a big difference between an image you think would look pretty on the wall and an image that actually has anything to do with your brand. If, for example, you’re in the antiques business, chances are it’s not going to work in your favour to use images of Formula One racing cars on every page of the calendar. Not that anyone would be silly enough to make such a huge mistake, but it does nonetheless illustrate the importance of selecting images that are not only high quality and attractive, but also relevant.

Don’t Lose Sight of the Goal

Never forget when going about your calendar design process that the reason you’re doing what you’re doing is to see one thing and one thing alone…yourself! It’s perfectly possible to come up with a wonderful business calendar that’s so full of gorgeous goodies that it only takes a month or two for those in possession of it to totally forget who sent it over and why. It’s not a case of having to bang on about yourself day in and day out, but do at least make it clear across each page who you are, what you do and why you’re the brand to go with.

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Include Quotes or Feedback

It’s one thing to sing your own praises until blue in the face, but it’s another entirely to have your customers do it on your behalf. This is why one of the most powerful additions to any corporate calendar can be that of simple quotes and citations taken directly from the mouths of your primary target audience, which can help drive home how well you perform in the real world. If you sell products, include review snippets from real-life buyers – you’d be surprised how far the voice of the people might get you.

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Favour Functionality

A calendar that looks pretty but has no real use might sit on the wall for a full year, but will never attract more than the odd glance. By contrast, a calendar that’s supremely functional with plenty of space for daily entries may find itself becoming an important everyday go-to for the respective owner or the office in which it hangs. As such, it’s a good idea to favour function over most other obvious considerations and make sure that those you hand the calendar over to can use it, day in and day out for note taking, reminders and so on.

Keep it Subtle

Last but not least, try to remember that if you want the calendar to be displayed and used with pride across a vast array of offices, homes and workplaces, you need to make it as widely compatible as possible in an aesthetic sense. Or in other words, it’s a good idea to keep its design elements subtle in order to ensure it doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb in more places than those it actually looks the part in.

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