Online Dating Tips For The Newly Single

If you’re newly single and want a relationship because you can’t face life alone, you may consider setting up an online dating profile. Some people want casual fun, which makes sense after a long-term relationship ends, while others want to find a life partner. Here are some useful online dating tips on how to impress your potential dates.

Play It Cool

When you receive your first message from an online dater, it may make you nervous. Play it cool and don’t message them back straight away. Many people don’t like game players, but dating is a game anyway. People often want someone who plays it cool, so remember to message back in a few hours or perhaps a day later. If you appear busy to your potential date, you’ll immediately appear more attractive. Games are immature, yes, but they often work.

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Meet Sooner Rather Than Later

Waiting for messages can be tedious, so what’s stopping you from meeting up with a potential admirer? Instead of exchanging messages for days or weeks on end, request a meeting early on. When you meet your date, you can see if you feel attracted to one another and share common interests and whether you want to see him or her again. If the chemistry is there, don’t delay. Lean in for an kiss and book the second date.

Find a Like-Minded Date

Going for coffee on the first date has become the new way of doing it, but what if find your date incredibly attractive and you want to meet elsewhere? A dating website may have a selected few casual daters, but you may need to find a partner through a specialist casual dating site such as If you prefer a casual date, make this plain from the start so as not to lead anyone into a false relationship.

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No Chemistry?

If you’ve ever experienced a date with no chemistry, it can feel awkward. Explain your feelings from the start. No chemistry often makes the dating game feel dead. It is important that there is some type of attraction on your first date.

Don’t Get Obsessed with Your Profile

If you find yourself checking your account several times a day, take a break and practise the art of patience. There is no fun in continuously logging into your profile only to find that you have no new messages, especially if you have your eye on a few potential dates.

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Have No Particular Type

Some people can throw away a potential relationship because a certain person does not fit their usual ‘type’. Remember the Friends episode with Monica and millionaire Pete? One kiss is all it took to push their relationship from friends to lovers. Take a risk, because you never know.

Read Profiles

It is thoughtful to read a message that makes reference to your hobbies and interests. This shows that the messenger has read your profile and genuinely shown an interest in it. You should also make an effort with that guy or girl who makes you laugh.

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