The Benefits Of The Vertical Lean Storage System

One of the most unique and usable Storage Systems in use today is the Hanel Vertical Carousel and Lean Lift system. Taking the concept of small footprint to the highest degree, the Hanel systems operate on the notion that all available space from floor to ceiling can be used within an unit that contains a moveable vertical carousel. This carousel’s movement is similar to that of a Ferris wheel – around and around from top-to-bottom. The carousel holds storage units or shelves that can store a variety of materials.

These systems are economical in the long-run, and they optimize storage space in a unique way. The goods that are stored are brought to a specified extraction point that can be configured on the unit according to the user’s needs. In this way, the stored material comes to the user rather than the user having to go to the stored goods. This idea saves time and effort, not to mention space. These units are so compact, and make use of total vertical space so well in a very small flooring footprint, that they provide around 60% more storage capacity than traditional storage methods.

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The Hanel systems can even be installed so that multiple floors of a building can use one unit with each floor having its own extraction point. This kind of flexibility is exceptional for the storage industry. The extraction, or retrieval, points are ergonomically placed for optimal ease of use. The carousel is motorized so everything to be retrieved is brought to the user at the push of a button. Inventory is itemized and loaded into the unit electronically so that it can sort and present the requested materials on demand.

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There are loads of advantages to the Hanel vertical systems that are obvious – flexibility, space-saving, economical, effort-saving. But there are other advantages too such as keeping everything contained in the unit free of dust, dirt and light. It can be a highly secure system so unauthorized access can be locked down. This system is safer for the average user – you’re not climbing a ladder or up the shelves of a typical open storage unit to get at the contents. With Hanel systems, the contents come to you, and quickly too.

From file storage to medical supplies, medicines, samples, auto parts, archives to warehouse goods, Hanel systems can be configured any number of ways. The Hanel Lean Lift system that is geared toward high-bay warehouse storage is the same concept with much bigger containers for larger-sized or quantity of goods. At the center of the unit is a computerized lift call an extractor. The user operates the system by sending the extractor to retrieve or store the particular container that has the required materials. Each of these containers can hold more than one ton.

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The integrated computer system with the Hanel systems is loaded and configured for each location. Inventory of materials contained in the system is entered via the specialized software, so no matter where in the unit the articles are housed, they can be brought to the user quickly and easily. Vertical storage carousel units are some of the best storage options in the industry today.

Storage Systems is the leading provider of qwuality storage solutions. If you have a custom storage need, then contact Storage Systems USA today.

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