Tips For Small Businesses Setting Up An Ecommerce Website

If you’re a small business and have decided to set up an ecommerce facility there are lots of things to think about to ensure you maximise your ecommerce potential. Here are some top tips.

Do Your Research

Know what you are getting yourself into. According to Small Business website, preparation is vital. You should read about ecommerce and talk to people who are already selling online. Attend ecommerce exhibitions to gain further insight.

Provide Security

As a small, little-known ecommerce business you’ll need to gain trust. Make sure that your ecommerce site offers full security for customers’ personal and financial details. Use a trusted and recognised payment gateway and add security with an SSL certificate. A secure ecommerce site is reassuring for customers and can improve your SEO too.

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Be Legally Aware

When you start selling goods online, setting up terms and conditions will be important. If this is not something you’ve done before, it can be tricky to know what this involves. According to the Guardian you should talk to a solicitor to get your terms and conditions right, because that can make or break you. Choose a lawyer who specialises in commercial work.

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Test Your Site

Before you let your new ecommerce site loose online, make sure it works properly. Test the site thoroughly and repeatedly and get friends or family to give it the once over. If there are any bugs or glitches, it could result in lost sales, so it needs to be running perfectly. Work with an experienced ecommerce design business such as, who offer ecommerce and web design in London and elsewhere.

Mobile Optimized

If you want to make a profit from your ecommerce site make sure it’s mobile optimised, so that it can be used on other devices apart from a computer. Nowadays more people are making purchases through their mobile devices, so start as you mean to go on and make sure your site is mobile ready.

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Suss Out Competitors

Get to know who your competitors are and find ways to make your ecommerce operations different from them. Give customers a reason to buy from you instead. Obviously price is a big factor, but how you display product information including descriptions, photos and even reviews or testimonials, can help to make your offering stand out.

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