Why Every Business Needs A Website

Thanks to the digital revolution we use smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops as a matter of course. You might still find the occasional person who isn’t Wi-Fi enabled, but these people are becoming increasingly rare.

We Live Online Lives

Walk down any street or observe people in theatres, restaurants and parks and you will see them scrolling, texting and connecting with each other through technology. This is all-pervasive and has changed the way in which we interact with businesses. In this day and age not having a business website is an almost unforgivable sin, and one that could be costing you dearly.


A recent article in Entrepreneur suggests that a business without a website simply cannot be taken seriously. Now that we all have knowledge literally at our fingertips, we expect to be able to source goods, products and services online. If your prospective customers can’t find you online, then you might as well not exist at all.

If you think that just because you offer a local service you don’t need a website, then you need to think again. Chron’s small business section makes the valid point that many of us research goods and services online and then make the actual purchase locally. By not having that all-important web presence you could be derailing your own future profits, which is the last thing any business wants to happen.

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No Excuses Will Do

Why are so many small business owners and managers failing to pay attention to the digital world at their fingertips? For many, the principal reason cited is financial. By erroneously classifying the creation and maintenance of a website as a cost rather than an investment, the small business owner believes ‒ wrongly ‒ that he or she is actually saving money.

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The cost of creating of a website can be astonishingly low. There are an increasing number of web designers, like Hemel Hempstead web design agency 24-7, that offer a complete web package from as little as £10 per month. You don’t have to go with Hemel Hempstead web design, of course, with deals to be had up and down the country.

Some people have simply never got round to it, but there has never been a better time to take advantage of budget deals and state-of-the-art technology.

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