Why Should You Opt for CompTIA A+ Certified?

If you are an IT professional, you may seek appropriate certifications from time to time to stay abreast and updated with the latest developments in the IT world. Information technology necessitates continued learning and so, you must opt for appropriate certifications whenever necessary for broadening your horizons and developing a sound and solid understanding of IT and associated areas.  In this context, you must know that you could initiate a career in Information Technology that assures better salary and better benefits as compared to what you are having now if you opt for CompTIA A+. This certification is certainly a great way to start an IT career and grow.

As per https://www.forbes.com, ‘IT professionals with certifications earn on average $15,913 or 22% more than those without certifications. In the Asia-Pacific region, certifications can increase annual salaries by up to 45% more than non-certified peers.’ Here are the chief reasons for choosing CompTIA A+.

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CompTIA A+ Is Vital to a Successful IT Career

If you are a CompTIA A+ certified it is quite clear that you have a sound understanding of the cutting-edge fundamentals associated with computer software and hardware. You are supposed to have the proficiency and expertise to troubleshoot issues on a broad spectrum of devices including smartphones and computers. This CompTIA certification is certainly the best way to commence your IT career as it could be instrumental in getting your first IT job and prepare you for forging ahead on the road to IT success.

CompTIA A+ Allows You to Take Up Whatever IT Job You Like

There are certainly no limitations or restrictions to things you could do and pursue with CompTIA A+. As the certification is not supposed to be focusing on any vendor-specific software and hardware, you are able to concentrate on building a solid base on tech knowledge and become acquainted with the technology associated vocabulary you would be requiring on your IT career path irrespective of which specialization you choose. You could pursue careers in cybersecurity and computer networking in a vendor environment of your choice with CompTIA A+. This certification is known to hold an ISO/ANSI accreditation status that implies that this certification is undoubtedly trusted by employers across the globe.

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CompTIA A+ Makes Way for Better Jobs & Better Salaries

Whether you would be successful in getting a great job depends on several factors. However, CompTIA A+ is a reputed and respected credential which is preferred and trusted by organizations while hiring new IT professionals. Remember this kind of an effective additional certification could give the much-needed boost to your career and help you get better jobs with higher salaries than expected.

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CompTIA A+ Is the Best Way of Demonstrating that You Are Dedicated to an IT Career

When you get your CompTIA A+ certification, it becomes a lot easier for you to go about renewing your certification and updating your knowledge with training and recertification options. Pursuing such certifications clearly demonstrate the fact that you are pretty serious and committed to your IT career.


All CompTIA A+ certification holders are part of a robust community. You could consider learning from the members, interacting with them, asking for their valuable advice and sharing your expertise and thoughts with the rest of the members. When you successfully get your CompTIA A+ certification, it would certainly be a huge accomplishment. You should be proud of bagging one of the most impressive and powerful professional credentials.


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