5 Ways A Small Business Can Benefit from Video Marketing

Running a small business is no easy task. You have tough decisions to deal with. This includes marketing and advertising. If you are having trouble coming up with an effective marketing strategy, it can be hard to increase your online presence.

Video marketing could be the solution that you are looking for. It is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. Learn more by taking a look at these 5 ways a small business can benefit from video marketing.

#1 – Video Marketing is Cost Effective

Video marketing is cost effective. Whether you design your own videos or hire a video marketing firm, the cost is nominal. Once the video is created, you can use it however you choose. You can post the videos to social media, add them to your website, or use them as promotional material.

#2 – Video Content Can Boost Your SEO

Using video content on your website and social media profiles can improve your search engine optimization. Search engines love video content on your website. It helps establish your site as an authority in your industry or niche market. Google includes videos in search results. In fact, about 70% of the top 100 search listings on Google are actually video results.

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You can also benefit from shares and likes on social media. Google includes your social media statistics in search engine results. The more people are talking about your posts, the more relevant your website. This can naturally increase your search engine rankings.

#3 – Reach the Mobile Market

Video marketing is your best choice for reaching the mobile market. Over half of all mobile internet traffic is directed to online videos. Almost 90% of viewers will watch a 30-second advertisement until completion. Being able to capture the attention of the mobile audience is easier with effective video marketing on mobile channels.

#4 – Keep Up with Your Competition

If you want to keep up with your competition, you are going to need to use video marketing. Over 80% of businesses use video content in their marketing campaigns. This is expected to increase each year. If you are not taking advantage of the benefits of video marketing, then your business will get left behind.

Many businesses have already discovered that using video with an email marketing campaign can significantly increase the effectiveness of the campaign. Adding video content to email increases open rates by 5.6%. It also increases click-through rates by 96%. Conversions on landing pages increased by 80%.

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#5 – Improve Your Social Media Marketing

Using videos can help your social media marketing campaign. As mentioned, videos shared and liked on social media can improve your SEO, but it can also help you reach a larger audience. Over a billion people have registered Facebook accounts.

A large portion of the public spends all of their online time on their social media profiles. They do not check the news, search for information, or use the internet other than to stay updated on their social media. If you want to be able to reach these customers, you need to have a strong social media presence.

Every minute of the day, over 700 YouTube videos gets shared on Twitter. Hundreds of hours of videos are watched on Facebook each day. YouTube has over 4 billion views per day. If you want to engage your audience and improve your shares and likes, post more videos. Make sure these videos contain helpful information and you will surely gain more attention thanks to your video marketing efforts.

How Can You Use Video Marketing for Your Business?

If you want to benefit from video marketing, you first need to create video content. Decide on the type of content that you want to create. You can use video to create videos introducing your business, product demonstration videos, tutorials, customer testimonials, and informative videos offering useful knowledge.

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In addition to choosing a purpose, you need to choose the tone of your video. By focusing on an emotion, you can connect with your customers and keep them engaged. When a viewer is entertained, they are more likely to take action. This could include visiting your site or following a link provided at the end of the video.

The video can be filmed using slideshows with a voice-over, text slides, animation, or live video. If you need help with the creation of a video, there are plenty of professional video marketing firms that can help. After the video is created, you can add it to your website or post it on social media.

As you begin planning your marketing strategies, include video marketing. Video marketing can help you reach a larger audience, connect with your customers, and allow you to promote your small business like never before. Make these suggestions a part of your marketing strategy and watch your business grow.

Author Bio – Jack Benson, the author of this article writes in support of WhiteboardExplainers.com, a leading whiteboard animation company specializing in video production and digital marketing.

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