Oily skin: Home remedies to control the shine on the face

Oily skin Home remedies

Having oily skin is a problem that not only affects women but also men. The brightness on the face can be caused by genetic factors, but it is also caused by hormonal changes, menstruation, pregnancy or menopause.

While there are several products that help control skin fat, such as cleansers and toning, most have chemical elements that affect our health. Next, we share some natural remedies that you can try at home:

Recommendation: Before placing any product, try to keep the skin clean. Oily skin attracts bacteria and dirt, so it is prone to have acne and blackheads. Wash your face twice a day with warm water and, before finishing, rinse with cold water to close the pores. We recommend you to check reviews http://phytocskincare.com before applying the face mask.

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1.  Aloe Vera

Apply aloe vera gel on the face to absorb excess oil and clean the pores. Do it two or three times a day, especially after washing the face. Then let it dry. For a more refreshing effect, place the gel in the refrigerator.

2.  Cornflower

It is an ideal natural remedy to eliminate excess oil on the face. A mix between one and three tablespoons of cornstarch with enough warm water to make a paste.

Apply to rub the face and let dry. Then rinse with warm water. You can do it once a day!

3.  Egg yolk

An egg yolk mask helps dry the skin and reduce oils. You can also apply the egg yolk with a swab in specific fatty areas. Let the yolk act for 15 minutes and then rinse.

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As you can see, you do not need to spend a lot of money to control the shine or fat on the skin.  These ingredients that you find in your kitchen will help you to eliminate excess oil and leave your skin clean, dry and radiant.

Activated charcoal mask for oily skin


  • Activated charcoal – 2 tablets;
  • Sea salt – half a teaspoon;
  • Aloe – several leaves.

The recipe for preparing the mask:

  • Leave the aloe leaves, grind and squeeze out the juice from them. For the mask, you need 2 teaspoons of aloe juice.
  • Mix aloe juice with activated charcoal powder and salt. If the mask is very thick, then it can be diluted with water a little.
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Apply a thin layer of mask to a clean and steamed face. If you massage your face in a circular motion, you will get a peeling – sea salt acts as a brush, which cleans all the dirt. The mask should be kept for 30 minutes, after which it must be washed off with water. This remedy is good for problem skin. Coal deeply cleanses pores, sea salt removes excess sebum, and aloe disinfects inflammation on the skin. If you do this mask regularly – every other day, after a few weeks your skin will become smooth and even. You may also like http://www.phytocskincare.com/baking-soda-4-masks-help-remove-black-spots/

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