Quick Tips for Making the Most Out of Frozen Vegetables

Sometimes, even if you might want to have access to only the freshest ingredients for cooking, you have to consider frozen food. Whether it is frozen fruits or vegetables, it can sometimes feel a little disheartening – however, it might surprise you just how little difference there is between fresh and frozen. Frozen fruits, for example, are even healthier than the new variant when it comes to items being sold in a market. While neither holds a candle to freshly picked fruits, it still does not change the fact that frozen is second best.

In the case of vegetables, frozen still is not nearly as bad as you might think, although the difference between the two is not quite as dramatic as with fruits. That said, the fact that frozen vegetables are not nearly as bad as people make them out to be is the reason why services such as those provided by IQF vegetable suppliers UK companies use are so in demand. Here are just a few quick tips to make the most out of frozen veggies.

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Keep in mind the amount of time frozen vegetables spend in your freezer

While some people might be content to keep frozen fruits and vegetables for several months, believing that they will keep for as long as they need them, it is not a good idea to push your luck. Even with frozen ingredients, there is a certain shelf period before they eventually start to spoil. In the case of frozen vegetables, do not keep them in your freezer any longer than six months. It would be recommended that you use them within the first month to ensure that they are as safe and as beneficial to consumers as possible.

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Frozen vegetables do not benefit from overcooking

Considering that frozen vegetables are a little more fragile than fresh vegetables due to the freezing process, it would be prudent not to overcook them. They still have most of the vitamins and nutrients intact – they simply need a bit of coaxing to bring out their full potential. Ensure that you do not overcook frozen vegetables if you want to make the most out of them.

When microwaving or steaming, use a small amount of water

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While water is an important ingredient for any steaming or microwaving process, keep in mind that frozen vegetables have already absorbed a great deal of water. You do not have to use too much in order to successfully microwave or steam frozen veggies.

As an honourable mention, if you want to be able to preserve as much of the nutrients and vitamins as you can, use utensils such as aluminium, enamel, or glass. Cooking utensils made from these types of materials ensure that the benefits are preserved during the cooking process. To conclude, while you might need to put in some extra effort when preparing frozen vegetables, they are still just as healthy an alternative if done correctly.

Categorized as Food

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