Scan Email and Eliminate Remote Threats

Organizations who use their primary domain to send an email should consider stepping up their email security. There are numerous reasons to do so, with the most obvious reason being that spam, phishing, and viruses have the potential to devastate the company’s capacity to perform. Spam wastes people’s time. Viruses can destroy computers. Phishing potentially opens up security holes so large that huge losses can ensue. One thing is certain when these types of emails to hit your servers the risk of damage is very high. Despite these threats, many companies don’t scan and remove threats from their Email.

Email Scanning Stops Threats Before They Arrive

Scanning all your incoming and outgoing email means only clean email is delivered to you and only clean email is sent by you. You can stop people from sending someone in your business a virus or spam. You are protecting your domain email from abuse spammers, which makes good business sense. It is important to keep in touch with your clients. Email is cost effective and needs to be done as professionally as possible. Taking out the risk of viruses and spams from the mix increases your professional reputation, whereas sending infected Email along can destroy it. In the past, enterprise-strength email security was very expensive. Organizations had to buy a ‘spam appliance’ to stop bad Emails from both incoming and outgoing Email correspondences. Anti spam software can help eliminate unwanted emails and help safeguard you from viruses, which makes your organization stronger overall. With cloud-based software and a SaaS scanning models, Email security is affordable for everyone. Email security was designed for the enterprise market but benefits many small businesses that also desire to have an email security solution.

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Start-up Is Easy

If you are tired of getting spam and junk email in your organization, you will be amazed at how easy it really is to implement cloud email security. You can have your Email security up and running almost instantly. After setup, maintaining your email security solution is extremely easy. You and your IT Department can stop wasting time having to help your employees reformat and fix their computer if they have opened a malicious message. You can prevent downtime caused by these types of threats before they even happen. Heck, your IT department may even be able to take a vacation!

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One thing that you can be sure of is that spam is something you’ll never miss once it’s gone. Your employees will be more productive because they don’t have sort, delete and report spam! The only messages that will get through are the ones that are important. You will notice that your organization will be more efficient because your employees can concentrate on communication with clients, which is what email is for in the first place. It’s time to take back your mailbox and use it for its intended purpose and stop spammers forever!

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