HTC hopes to earn a spot in the mid-range and it comes just lifted the veil on a new device that could turn a few heads. Desire 626 is actually not ugly to look at, and it has the further merit of having a very promising data sheet. So it should have no trouble finding… Continue reading HTC Desire 626 Goes Official With 5 Inch 720p Hd Display and 64-Bit Processor
Category: Tech & Science
Apple’s New Swift Programming Language A Good Momentum Of Development
Apple’s new programming language, although the swift release just a few months, but a lot of iOS and OS X developers have expressed a good impression on the Swift, these developers, including American Airlines, Getty Images, LinkedIn and Duolingo. Swift obvious advantages of programming languages, development of faster, less applications Bug completed. At the same… Continue reading Apple’s New Swift Programming Language A Good Momentum Of Development
Samsung Galaxy A3 And A5: Beats The World Record Selfies In 24 Hours
Selfie has become one of the social network users label, Many mobile manufacturers have begun to tap the development of space front camera, with more powerful equipment modules. This is a story like no other, The Korean tech giant invited folks to take selfies with the Galaxy A5 and A3 in an attempt to break… Continue reading Samsung Galaxy A3 And A5: Beats The World Record Selfies In 24 Hours
Going Green With Heating and Cooling
Homeowners today have more options when it comes to installing a heating and cooling system in their home. Do you want to save on money initially? Do you want the top of the line products? Or do you want to have a lesser impact on the environment and save money down the line? If you… Continue reading Going Green With Heating and Cooling
Construction Preparation
If you’re going to have major construction on your home, you need to do some major preparation before work begins. By preparing your home pre-construction you are not only helping out the contractor and other construction crew who will be working on this space, but you are also expediting the building process as these preparations… Continue reading Construction Preparation
Samsung ePOP: A Chip 3GB Of Ram and 32GB Storage Now Takes 40% Less Space
Samsung is still room all before in innovation and presents a new way to put the memory in our smartphones. Here ePOP (embedded package on package), a very important development of memory, because it can place 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB internal in 40% less space. An asset to our smartphones, which can… Continue reading Samsung ePOP: A Chip 3GB Of Ram and 32GB Storage Now Takes 40% Less Space
Samsung Galaxy S6 Innovative Features, Specifications and Release Date
Samsung, the smartphone tech giant supported by Google Android is all set to unleash its biggest and meanest beast till date- Samsung Galaxy S6. The development of this speculated ‘extremely different’ smartphone has been given the codename of Project Zero, one of the most secret tech development designations for Samsung. Samsung, back to the basics… Continue reading Samsung Galaxy S6 Innovative Features, Specifications and Release Date
The 8 Best Free Apps For Tablets
Tablets often fill a different niche than smartphones, and great apps for phones aren’t always great apps for tablets. The tablet is the best useful gadget because it offers larger screens than smartphones, and users have more advantages for mobile operations like viewing large pages in a single display without scrolling long. Talk about daunting.… Continue reading The 8 Best Free Apps For Tablets
How Content Marketing Can Save Your Facebook Page
Think that posting Facebook-baiting (blatantly asking for clicks, likes etc.) post and other spammy strategies is the way to conduct your content on your Facebook page? Think again! Facebook announced that starting in January, they will be policing this blatant spamming and inflicting punishments on brands who post too much promotional content. Facebook is raising… Continue reading How Content Marketing Can Save Your Facebook Page
Smartphones With Big Screens Will Be Big In 2015
The trend is to smartphones with large screens. Part of the reason was the luxurious feel of a bigger screen, so it’s tempting to chalk up the company’s success to finally. The smartphone is turning into our primary computer, 2014 was the year of the explosion of large formats to the point that what seemed… Continue reading Smartphones With Big Screens Will Be Big In 2015
Microsoft Outlook Is Now Available On iOS and Android
Outlook uses by millions of people around the world, Microsoft is trying to catch up with Google and Dropbox have taken the lead in the field of intelligent messaging. And that means likely to please a lot of people. Microsoft yesterday launched Outlook for Android and iOS (phones and tablets), Microsoft actually has deployed an… Continue reading Microsoft Outlook Is Now Available On iOS and Android
Samsung Officially Presents Galaxy J1 , The First Of A New Range Devices
The Galaxy J1 has finally gone official, it is the first J series smartphone. Remains very pretty to look at. It is without trumpets or fanfare that Samsung recently formalized its latest mobile entry, the Galaxy J1, who just appear discreetly on its website. A very small smartphone that launches the third series of devices… Continue reading Samsung Officially Presents Galaxy J1 , The First Of A New Range Devices